Då kör vi med lite återvinning igen...ett tomt "tomat" tråg fick bli basen till min bordsdekoration.
Blommor och blad är utstansade i svart papper och embossade, använde inka gold i olika färger för att få fram mönstret ordentligt.
Pumporna gjorde jag av porslinslera, hittade ett recept på nätet som jag provade. Färgade in pumporna med distressed ink.
Bordsdekorationen är med i följande utmaningar:
Eclectic Ellapu: ATG November
Rhedd´s Creative Spirit: November Challenge
More Mixed Media: ATG Optional Black
Love To Create: ATG Mixed Media
A Inky Mess: Challenge 15
613 Avenue Create: #203 ATG Optional Twist 3D Card
Create And Inspire: #68 ATG
Creates And Makes: #16 ATG
Creative Artiste:#32 ATG Mixed Media
Love To Craft: #16 ATG November
I saw your table decoration at 613 Ave C - thank you for sharing it with us Mirre! It is so creative and beautiful with the candles lit - well done!
SvaraRadera~ginny, DT for 613 Ave C
RubberMAD (GettyCollection.com)
What a beautiful piece of art. Look fabulous on your table but even better on mine lol. Love it Thank you for joining in with us over at Rhedd's Creative Spirit this month and hope to see you in future challenges
SvaraRaderaDT - Rhedd's Creative Spirit
Mother Hen - Eclectic Ellapu
Mother Hen - Altered Eclectic
Personal Blog - Handcrafted by Ellapu
A fantastic project and a great idea for an autumn table decoration. Super little pumpkins.
SvaraRaderaThank you for joining in with our November challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media and good luck x
Great project! Thank you for joining us at Create and Inspire Challenge this month!
SvaraRaderaHugs, Maria (scrapsdamaryv.blogspot.pt)
Beautiful centerpiece! Thanks for joining us at Love to Craft! Challenge Blog
SvaraRaderaTina dt